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Fix Dropping Back Shoulder

How to Fix Dropping Back Shoulder in Softball Hitting: Expert Tips

If you're a softball player struggling with dropping your back shoulder during hitting, you're not alone. This common issue can lead to weak ground balls, pop-ups, and strikeouts. But the good news is that with the right techniques and drills, you can fix this problem and start hitting with more power and consistency.

One of the main causes of dropping the back shoulder is a lack of proper body positioning and weight transfer during the swing. When you don't shift your weight correctly, your body compensates by dropping the back shoulder. Which results in a weak swing. To fix this, focus on keeping your weight centered over your back leg during the load phase of your swing. And then transferring your weight forward as you swing through the ball.

Another common cause of dropping the back shoulder is a lack of strength and flexibility in the upper body. When your shoulders and back are weak, it's harder to maintain proper swing mechanics, which can lead to dropping the back shoulder. To address this issue, incorporate exercises that target your upper body. Such as shoulder presses and rows, and stretch regularly to improve your flexibility. By improving your strength and flexibility, you'll be better equipped to maintain proper swing mechanics. And avoid dropping your back shoulder.

Understanding the Softball Swing

The Role of the Back Shoulder

As a softball hitter, understanding the role of the back shoulder is crucial in achieving a successful swing. The back shoulder plays a significant role in generating power and driving the ball through the hitting zone. When hitters drop their back shoulder, they tilt their body, which causes them to swing under the ball. This results in weak ground balls or pop-ups.

To avoid dropping the back shoulder. Hitters should focus on keeping their front shoulder closed and level throughout the swing. This allows them to maintain a level swing path through the hitting zone, resulting in more solid contact.

Common Mistakes in Softball Hitting

One common mistake in softball hitting is dipping the back shoulder during the swing. This dipping action causes the swing to be an uppercut, which results in hitting more pop-ups. To fix this mistake, hitters should focus on keeping their back shoulder level and driving the bat through the ball.

Another mistake is dropping the back shoulder too early in the swing. This causes the hitter to hit the ball on the ground. To avoid this mistake. Hitters should focus on keeping their back shoulder up and level until the point of contact.

Finally, another mistake is failing to use the hips and elbows effectively in the swing. Using the hips and elbows helps generate power and drive the ball through the hitting zone. Hitters should focus on using their hips and elbows to create a smooth and powerful swing.

In summary, understanding the role of the back shoulder and avoiding common mistakes in softball hitting. Are crucial in achieving an effective swing. By focusing on keeping the front shoulder closed, avoiding dipping the back shoulder, and using the hips and elbows effectively. Hitters can improve their swing and achieve better results at the plate.

Identifying the Problem

Signs of Dropping the Back Shoulder

As a softball player, dropping the back shoulder can have a significant impact on your swing. One of the most obvious signs of dropping the back shoulder is a decrease in power and consistency. When you drop your back shoulder, you lose the ability to drive the ball with authority. Meaning its resulting in weaker hits and fewer extra-base hits.

Another sign of dropping the back shoulder is an excessive uppercut. When you drop your back shoulder, you tend to swing up on the ball, resulting in more pop-ups and fewer line drives. This can also lead to a decrease in your launch angle, making it more difficult to hit the ball with authority.

Effects on the Swing

Dropping the back shoulder can also have a significant impact on the mechanics of your swing. When you drop your back shoulder, you tend to swing under the baseball, resulting in more ground balls. This is because the batted ball often leaves the bat at the same height as the pitch at impact. So resulting in a downward trajectory.

According to MLB average ground-ball rates, ground balls are the least productive batted balls in terms of run production. Therefore, it is essential to control your launch angle to avoid excessive ground balls.

Another effect of dropping the back shoulder is the dropping of your hands. This can cause your swing to become long and loopy, resulting in a slower bat speed and less power. It can also make it more difficult to hit pitches on the outer half of the plate.

In summary, dropping the back shoulder can have a significant impact on your softball swing. It can result in a decrease in power and consistency. An excessive uppercut, more ground balls, and a slower bat speed. By identifying the signs of dropping the back shoulder, you can work to correct this issue and improve your overall swing.

Fixing the Issue

As a softball hitter, dropping back shoulder can be a frustrating and common issue. Yet, with the right drills and guidance from coaches. It is possible to improve your swing and fix this problem.

Drills for Improvement

One effective drill for fixing the dropping back shoulder issue is the hands drop drill. This drill focuses on keeping the hands level and preventing them from dropping during the swing. Another useful drill is reactive neuromuscular training (RNT). Which utilizes resistance bands to train the body to resist dropping the back shoulder.

It is also important to incorporate game-like situations into batting practice. This means practicing hitting against live pitching and simulating game scenarios. This will help hitters develop the ability to adjust their swing in real-time and avoid dropping the back shoulder.

Role of Coaches

Coaches play a crucial role in helping hitters fix the dropping back shoulder issue. They can provide feedback on technique and suggest drills to improve swing mechanics. Coaches can also help hitters develop a training plan that focuses on the training principle of specificity. Which means practicing movements that are specific to hitting a softball.

It is important for coaches to understand human movement principles. And the effective versus ineffective hand path. They should also encourage their hitters to focus on their back hip during the swing. As this can help prevent dropping the back shoulder.

In conclusion, fixing the dropping back shoulder issue in softball hitting requires a combination of drills. Also game-like practice, and guidance from coaches. By incorporating these strategies and focusing on the training principle of specificity. Hitters can see significant improvements in their swing and overall power at the plate.

Case Study: JD Martinez's Swing Breakdown

As a hitting coach, I always keep an eye on the swings of professional baseball players. This is to learn from their techniques and see how they approach their at-bats. One player whose swing I have studied extensively is JD Martinez. His swing breakdown provides a great case study for how to fix dropping back shoulder in softball hitting.

In a swing analysis video by Hitting Performance Lab. Martinez's swing is broken down into three key areas. Dropping the back shoulder, swinging under the baseball, and hitting well in batting practice but not in games. The video offers three quick ways to solve these issues.

First, the video suggests that dropping the back shoulder is not necessarily a bad thing. But as long as it is done intentionally and not as a result of a swing flaw. In Martinez's case, the video shows that he tilts his shoulders slightly as he begins his swing. Which helps him generate more power and drive the ball with authority.

Second, the video suggests that swinging under the baseball is a common problem for many hitters. Including softball players. To fix this issue, the video recommends stopping the dropping of hands and a swing uppercut. Instead, hitters should focus on keeping their hands on top of the ball and swinging level through the hitting zone.

Finally, the video addresses the issue of hitting well in batting practice but not in games. The video suggests that this may be due to a lack of focus and intensity during game situations. To fix this issue, hitters should practice with a game-like mindset and focus on hitting in pressure situations.

Overall, Martinez's swing breakdown serves as a valuable case study for softball players. Players looking to fix dropping back shoulder. By tilting the shoulders intentionally, keeping the hands on top of the ball. And practicing with a game-like mindset, hitters can improve their swing and become more effective at the plate.


In conclusion, dropping the back shoulder in softball hitting is a common problem that can cause hitters to pop up or hit weak ground balls. But, it can be fixed with proper coaching and practice. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • Success as a hitter requires a level swing path that makes contact with the middle or back of the ball.

  • Dropping the back shoulder can cause the bat to swing up and create a weak pop-up or ground ball.

  • It is important to keep the shoulders level and the hands down to the ball during the swing.

  • Hitters should focus on hitting the middle of the ball to generate more power and success.

To fix dropping back shoulder, coaches and players can use a variety of drills and techniques. Such as the Hammer Drill or Pitch-Plane Domination. These drills can help hitters develop a level swing path and improve their contact with the ball.

Ultimately, success as a hitter requires consistent practice. And dedication to improving one's swing. By focusing on keeping the shoulders level and hitting the middle of the ball. Hitters can improve their performance and achieve their goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my softball swing mechanics?

Improving your softball swing mechanics takes practice and dedication. First, make sure you have a solid stance and grip on the bat. Focus on keeping your head still and your eyes on the ball. As you swing, rotate your hips and shoulders, and keep your weight balanced. Practice hitting off a tee or with a partner to improve your swing.

What are some common mistakes in softball hitting?

Common mistakes in softball hitting include dropping the back shoulder, pulling the head out too early, and swinging too hard. It's important to maintain good posture and balance during your swing. Avoid lunging forward or swinging with just your arms. Instead, use your whole body to generate power and control.

What drills can I do to fix my dropping shoulder in softball hitting?

One effective drill to fix dropping shoulder in softball hitting is the tee drill. Set up a tee at the proper height and practice hitting the ball without dropping your shoulder. Another drill is the soft toss drill, where a partner tosses the ball to you and you practice hitting it with good form. Focus on keeping your shoulders level and your weight balanced.

How can I maintain good posture during softball hitting?

Maintaining good posture during softball hitting is crucial for a successful swing. Keep your head still and your eyes on the ball. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Keep your weight balanced and your shoulders level. Avoid leaning forward or backward during your swing.

What are some tips for keeping my hands up during softball hitting?

Keeping your hands up during softball hitting is important for generating power and control. Start with your hands high and close to your body. As you swing, keep your hands close to your body and follow through with your swing. Avoid dropping your hands or swinging with just your arms.

What muscles should I focus on strengthening for softball hitting?

Softball hitting requires strength in your core, legs, and upper body. Focus on exercises that target these areas, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks. Strengthening your grip and forearm muscles can also improve your swing. Remember to stretch before and after your workouts to prevent injury.

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Fix Dropping Back Shoulder

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