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 A Softball Catcher's Guide" provides guidance on improving blocking skills in softball.

Softball catchers have an important role in the game. They catch pitches, throw out base runners, and block wild pitches. Blocking is a crucial skill for catchers to learn as it stops runners from advancing and keeps the ball in play.

Learning how to block can be difficult for catchers, but practice can help them become better at it. Positioning is crucial for successful blocking. Catchers must be in the right spot to block the ball effectively and anticipate where it will bounce based on the pitch location.

Catchers can improve their blocking skills with various drills. These drills emphasize technique, body positioning, and reaction time. Working with a coach or experienced player for feedback can be beneficial. With dedication and hard work, catchers can become excellent blockers and positively impact their team.

Blocking Fundamentals

Blocking is a crucial skill for a softball catcher to master, as it can prevent runners from advancing and help maintain control of the game. To improve as a blocker, it is important to focus on three key fundamentals: stance, footwork, and hand position.


The catcher's stance is crucial for quick movement and blocking the ball. They should begin in an athletic position with their feet square to the pitcher. Their body should face the pitcher and be positioned in the center of the homeplate.


Good footwork is important for catchers to quickly move to block the ball. Catchers need to maintain flexion in their ankles, knees, and hips. When blocking a ball, catchers should drop their knees to the dirt and keep their chest and head behind the ball. Additionally, catchers should shuffle their feet right-left towards the base they want to throw to while picking up the ball.

Hand Position

Hand positioning is a key factor for catchers to successfully block the ball. The catcher should keep their mitt in a relaxed position, with the palm facing downward and the fingers pointed towards the ground. When blocking a ball, the catcher should aim to center the ball off their chest and keep it within their reach.

Improving blocking skills is crucial for catchers to become valuable assets to their team. Mastery of these fundamentals through practice and repetition is essential for success in the position.

Blocking Drills

Blocking is an important skill for softball catchers to develop. It involves quick reflexes, proper positioning, and the ability to predict the ball's trajectory. Catchers can enhance their blocking abilities by practicing various drills, such as partner drills and machine drills.

Partner Drills

Partner drills can help catchers improve their blocking skills and strengthen their teamwork and communication with pitchers. One popular partner drill is the "knee drill," where the catcher kneels while their partner throws balls towards their chest from a short distance, allowing them to practice quick reactions and body blocking.

The "side-to-side drill" is a partner drill that involves the catcher starting in their regular stance while their partner stands to the side and throws balls to the opposite side, requiring the catcher to adjust their weight and block the ball.

Machine Drills

Catchers can practice their blocking skills using machine drills. One helpful drill is the "low pitch drill." The machine throws low pitches in the dirt, and the catcher must react quickly to block the ball with their body. This drill allows catchers to improve their footwork and positioning.

Another drill commonly used in catcher training is the "high pitch drill." In this drill, the machine is adjusted to pitch high balls that bounce off the catcher's chest protector. The catcher's goal is to block the ball with their body in a timely manner, allowing them to improve their hand-eye coordination and reaction time.

Advanced Techniques

Experienced catchers understand the importance of mastering blocking and framing pitches, as well as the advanced techniques that can elevate their game. Here are two strategies that can help catchers improve their skills further.

Framing Pitches

Framing pitches is the technique of catching a pitch in a way that appears to be a strike to the umpire, helping catchers receive more calls in their favor.

  • Catch the pitch gently with a steady glove.
  • Adjust the glove slightly as the ball approaches the strike zone.
  • Please hold the glove steady for a moment after catching the ball.
  • Catchers use a steady glove and slight movement towards the strike zone to help borderline pitches seem like strikes.

    Blocking Off-Speed Pitches

    Blocking off-speed pitches can be challenging due to their unpredictable movement, but catchers can enhance their ability to block them by:

  • Predicting the pitch by analyzing the batter's movements and pitch options.
  • It is important to establish a good blocking position early.
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